The title is most likely one that would cause certain readers who happen to be service providers to experience a little negative reaction upon reading it. However, the title is not meant to be anything more than a cause for some reflection in that there is considerable amount of information about customers that is not always utilized to expose traits and trends that could be harnessed to generate increased revenue as well as to promote customer loyalty in an environment of ever-growing competition.
Ken Babcock

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The title is somewhat misleading in that I am sure there are many user tasks that go beyond the scope of Big Data and Cloud Computing to satisfy. However, being a dinosaur-type with over fifty years of professional experience in the telecom environment, I am continually amazed by the capabilities and associated minimal costs with implementation of systems and processes that were only dreamed about when I started in the telecom business.
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Bill and Keep in the Interstate Access Arena Is Not a Free Ride
It is apparent that in the new world regime of Bill & Keep of interstate terminating switched access charges there are still many reasons why the Local Exchange Carriers (LECs) providing interstate terminating switched access must record, summarize and report calls and associated conversation Minutes of Use (MOU) of this type.
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In case you haven’t seen the latest information released from the FCC, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has put their final stamp of approval on the Rural Call Completion Order. While conversations around the order have been swirling since late 2013, the OMB approval means that all long distance voice service providers must take action by April 1, 2015.
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In this episode of ATS Chalk Talk, Ken Babcock, VP of Regulatory Services, discusses the FCC’s recent order on Rural Call Completion (FCC 13-135). The interview covers:
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