The Power of Social Network Analytics in Telecom

Posted by Ryan Guthrie on Jan 6, 2016 2:03:00 PM

What does social network analytics mean in the telecom space?  Is it Twitter? Facebook? LinkedIn?  Maybe, but the real power of social network analytics lies in the data the telecom companies record and process every minute of every day; Voice and SMS records.  The social networks that exist within your subscriber base is incredible rich with information that can tell you anything from what movie they might want to watch next to who is getting ready to churn away to a competitor.

This information has been available for as long as telephones have been around.  But only in the past few years with the explosion of computer and cloud power has it been possible to truly aggregate the data and turn it into meaningful and actionable information.  Similarly, the idea of a social network has been around since the beginning of time.  People’s social networks include friends, family, and co-workers who can influence them and whom they can influence as well.  The strength of the connections can be measured by analyzing the data to identify those individuals within a social circle who have the power to influence others one way or another.

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Topics: Telecom Data Analytics, Marketing, Social Network Analytics